
(312) 791-0418


Strategic Plan – Fiscal Year 2020 to 2024

Goal 1Mission, Vision, and Core Values reflect the needs of our changing community and how CASL responds...

OBJECTIVE A:​ Realigned Mission, Vision, and Values

Strategy 1: Realign CASL’s Mission, Vision, and Values

  • Mission reflects our commitment to responding to the changing needs of the community.
  • Vision incorporates the best of what we do and deliver as a modern social service agency.
  • Values reflect who we are, what we do, and why we do it.

Strategy 2: CASL’s Mission, Vision, and Values are embraced at all levels of the organization

Goal 2Strengthen individuals, families, and our community by focusing on their upward movement and transitioning community members from sustainability to success...

OBJECTIVE A:​ Offer comprehensive employment solutions from sustainable jobs to thriving careers

Strategy 1: Sustainable jobs

  • Develop short-term employment opportunities to secure sustainable income while providing long-term comprehensive support to move individuals into careers.
  • Establish “employer of choice” model that supports high-quality employers offering benefits and a living wage.

Strategy 2: Transfer of certifications from China to the United States

  • Partner with professional associations and licensing boards to translate jobseeker skills to relevant American industries.

Strategy 3: Vocational education and training

  • Establish three partnerships with City Colleges and other prime employers with trades programs and provide evaluation of that delivery model.

Strategy 4: Vocational English Language (VEL)

  • Provide comprehensive Vocational English training that focuses on long-term English gains for placement into high-growth industries with living wage compensation.

OBJECTIVE B:​ Offer financial education and planning to build individual financial security

Strategy 1: Individual financial planning and security

  • Establish financial plans for individuals and families with a long-term focus that includes revenue, expense, debt, credits, assets, and education on protective financial devices (life insurance) and retirement.

OBJECTIVE C:​ Offer comprehensive housing services to move people from sustainable renting to homeownership

Strategy 1: Homeownership

  • Provide homeownership education with a focus on home maintenance and good liquidity–preventing people from becoming house poor.

Goal 3Individuals and families are leading physically and mentally healthy lives through intervention, removing barriers to care, and combating stigma with education...

OBJECTIVE A:​ Offer comprehensive mental health awareness, education, and clinical services

Strategy 1: Education and awareness

  • Educate our employees on mental health and how to implement standardized screening procedures.
  • Become a comprehensive mental health educator in the community and implement standardized screening procedures.
  • Launch a comprehensive public campaign around mental health to break the stigma.

Strategy 2: Comprehensive multi-tiered mental health services address community needs

  • Establish formal partnerships with qualified mental health service providers to address acute, chronic, and severe mental health needs.
  • Provide low to moderate risk mental health services across programs in centralized fashion.
  • Determine the feasibility of becoming a Federally Qualified Health Center and develop an appropriate plan based on the determination.

OBJECTIVE B:​ Offer comprehensive health education and interventions

Strategy 1: Education models relevant to community needs

  • Create comprehensive education and screening programs centered around the documented health disparities of the community and coordinate with partnering agencies to provide services.
  • Provide ACA/Medicaid/Medicare/SHIP and private insurance enrollment for our clients and the community.

Strategy 2: Healthcare intervention and partnerships

  • Establish strong comprehensive partnerships with healthcare providers to facilitate CASL’s ability to address Social Drivers of Health (SDOH).

Goal 4The needs of individuals, families, and the community are proactively and strategically met...

OBJECTIVE A:​ Provide generation-relevant service models

Strategy 1: Create an effective generation-relevant service model to address the needs of 20 to 40-year-olds

  • Meet the needs of the community with expanded hours to include early mornings, evenings, and weekends.
  • Be an innovative provider using technology to communicate, serve, and inform our clients.

OBJECTIVE B:​ Provide services that are geographically appropriate and strategic

Strategy 1: Chinatown

  • Offer appropriate services in the community (outside of the CASL building) and provide greater customer service and connection to the community.
  • Remove barriers of participation and provide a greater level of support services (i.e. childcare in CDC for after-hour clients).

Strategy 2: Southwest neighborhoods

  • Provide dedicated space (built/renovated/leased satellite offices) for programs that need independent spaces.
  • Collaborate with neighboring partners to create/lease office spaces that provide additional case management for those partners with clients needing linguistically and culturally appropriate support.

Strategy 3: Suburbs

  • Determine the feasibility of developing satellite programs in Chicago suburbs and developed appropriate plans based on the determination.

Goal 5Impactful services providing the foundation for CASL leadership in the community...

OBJECTIVE A:​ Provide strategic revenue-positive program growth based on increased community needs

Strategy 1: Legal Clinic with representation

  • CASL’s pro-bono legal clinic model is a full-service legal clinic that effectively meets the growing community needs.

Strategy 2: Existing programs

  • Determine the efficacy and feasibility of expanding its high-quality, revenue-generating programs (Early Childhood, K – 5, Senior Services) and act accordingly.

OBJECTIVE B: ​Serve individuals and families comprehensively

Strategy 1: Case coordination model

  • Provide intensive case coordination and services through our Client Advocacy Unit for high-need families.
  • Our case coordination and client advocacy model will include centralized intake and case oversight for direction to other departments.

OBJECTIVE C:​ Be a high-value employer of choice known locally, regionally, and nationally.

Strategy 1: Be the employer of choice in the Chicago non-profit arena

  • Value and invest in CASL employees to cultivate superb customer service and client impact.

Strategy 2: Technology platforms provide superior customer service and positive client results

  • Be a leader in technology and innovation. Drive data-informed practices and create a learning laboratory for employees–to ultimately drive better outcomes for those we serve.

OBJECTIVE D:​ Develop comprehensive resources to support high-quality models

Strategy 1: Expand funding models

  • Develop a comprehensive strategy to move towards larger multi-year funding models and negotiate performance-based funding.
  • Develop a federal grants strategy to secure federal funding that aligns with current and future programs and incorporates evaluation and best practice.

Strategy 2: Philanthropic support – current, future, operational, capital, and endowment

  • Establish a comprehensive major gift program that focuses on multi-year gifts as well as filling the pipeline with new donor prospects.
  • Establish a planned giving program with a focus on securing irrevocable gifts that are both trusts, bequest, and annuities.
  • Establish a national grants strategy of high-profile and high net worth foundations to secure 6 to 7-figure gifts.

Strategy 3: Earned revenue

  • Utilize our pioneering case management technology platform to deliver a consultant-based revenue source that supports CASL’s unrestricted operating cash.

OBJECTIVE E:​ Execute a comprehensive communications, marketing, and branding strategy to position CASL as a regional and national quality provider of comprehensive services and thought leadership in non-profit best practice and innovation.

Strategy 1: Communications that inspire clients to thrive

  • Create a digital platform, both website and app space, that is a knowledge platform for those we serve.

Strategy 2: Donor communications, marketing, and branding galvanizes action.

  • Position CASL as a high-impact agency and thought leader in quality delivery and thought leadership.

Goal 6Data provides the foundation for CASL to empower individuals, families and communities to advocate for greater equity, awareness, and inclusion...

OBJECTIVE A:​ CASL is a regional leader in DEIA practices among AANHPI nonprofits

Strategy 1: Internal education and awareness

  • CASL has comprehensive DEIA education and engagement opportunities for staff members and volunteers.
  • CASL policies, procedures and protocols are equitable and inclusive.
  • CASL maintains a network of diverse values-aligned suppliers.

Strategy 2: Community engagement and collaboration

  • CASL offers inclusive community education and engagement.

OBJECTIVE B:​ CASL significantly increases representation of diverse AANHPI community needs in policy spaces and philanthropic giving

Strategy 1: Community Advocacy

  • CASL is recognized as a leader in shaping AANHPI policy and advocacy at the national level.
  • CASL has a multi-year strategy to increase philanthropic giving to AANHPI nonprofits.

OBJECTIVE C:​ CASL serves as the Midwest Anti-Hate Action Center

Strategy 1: Pilot building of a city-wide anti-hate ecosystem

  • CASL will understand how division, anxiety, and fear-mongering as it relates to race functions to undercut our shared political aims and goals.
  • CASL will support capacity building, cultural competency, and concrete steps that equip individuals at all levels to advocate for inclusive, equitable policies.
  • CASL will increase legislative awareness on the information, data, and diverse narratives of the communities we serve.
  • CASL will incubate ideas, strategies, and innovative approaches to building solidarity across communities with diverse histories, experiences, and needs.
  • CASL will provide access to knowledge and information that empowers individuals and groups to drive change with and for their communities.