
(312) 791-0418

ID Theft & Budgeting | 信用卡身份盗窃 及 生活开支预算

Chinese American Service League 2141 S Tan Ct, Chicago

Do you want to learn how to prevent your credit and personal information from being stolen? Protect yourself before your identity is stolen! Join us for a session to learn how to protect your personal information. Don't become a victim of identity theft! Attend one of our information sessions and learn how to stay safe...

Understanding Women’s Rights | 了解女性权益讲座

Online, Online, Microsoft Teams

Join us online as we explore women’s rights and celebrate International Women’s Day! This workshop will cover key topics, including employment rights, relationships, health, housing, and more. Language: Mandarin 在线上加入我们一起讨论和庆祝国际妇女节吧!此次的公益 讲座将会讨论女性在工作,关系,健康,和住房方面的权益。 语言: 普通话 Register | 报名 [email protected] | (312) 374-3820