
(312) 791-0418

2025 Lunar New Year Celebration at Blue Door Neighborhood Center

Blue Door Neighborhood Center 2551 W Cermak Rd, Chicago, IL, United States

Join us for a vibrant and culturally rich event marking the beginning of the Lunar New Year. There will be food, photo opportunities, and an opportunity to learn from Calligraphy Masters!

Retirement Planning | 退休账户讲解

Chinese American Service League 2141 S Tan Ct, Chicago, IL

People are living longer. Preparing for retirement is more important than before. Facing decades of retirement, people must take measures to plan ahead. Attend CASL’s Retirement Planning workshop to open doors for your retired living. 随着科技水平的提高,人的寿命越来越长,生活成本增加。面临退休后几十年的日子,想要过上体面优雅的老年生活就要早做打算,让我们的退休计划讲座为你打开信息的大门。 Register | 注册

ID Theft & Budgeting | 信用卡身份盗窃 及 生活开支预算

Chinese American Service League 2141 S Tan Ct, Chicago, IL

Do you want to learn how to prevent your credit and personal information from being stolen? Protect yourself before your identity is stolen! Join us for a session to learn how to protect your personal information. Don't become a victim of identity theft! Attend one of our information sessions and learn how to stay safe...

Understanding Women’s Rights | 了解女性权益讲座

Online, Online, Microsoft Teams

Join us online as we explore women’s rights and celebrate International Women’s Day! This workshop will cover key topics, including employment rights, relationships, health, housing, and more. Language: Mandarin 在线上加入我们一起讨论和庆祝国际妇女节吧!此次的公益 讲座将会讨论女性在工作,关系,健康,和住房方面的权益。 语言: 普通话 Register | 报名 [email protected] | (312) 374-3820

Data Equity Summit-Chicago

Impact House 200 W Madison St, Chicago

Join CASL and our Change InSight partners for the inaugural Data Equity Summit: Bringing Visibility to Our Communities on March 6, 2025, at Impact House, Chicago. This one-day event will spotlight the importance of advancing data equity in community-based organizations (CBOs). Now more than ever, reliable and actionable data is essential for CBOs to: Better...

Data Equity Summit-New York

CPC-One 45 Suffolk Street, New York, New York

Join CACF, CPC, and Change InSight partners for the inaugural Data Equity Summit: Bringing Visibility to Our Communities—a one-day event dedicated to advancing data equity. Community-based organizations (CBOs) increasingly rely on accurate, actionable data to better serve their clients and improve programs. Initiatives like Invisible No More and Change InSight are leading the charge to...

When Play Becomes Pressure: Understanding the Risks | 当游戏变成压力时,我们应该了解的风险

Chinese American Service League 2141 S Tan Ct, Chicago, IL

Join us for an engaging and informative session on gambling and its impact on Monday, March 17th at 2:30pm. Learn how to recognize the signs, understand cultural connections, and support those who may be struggling. 加入我们,参加一场关于赌博知识及其影响的讲座,时间是3月17日星期一下午2:30。了解如何识别赌博的迹象,理解赌博和文化之间的联系,并了解如何帮助可能受到赌博困扰的身边人。 Topics Covered: What is gambling? Recognizing its different forms Symptoms of problem gambling – Signs, risks & red flags...

Be an Ally; End Asian Hate

Online, Zoom

The first workshop of the series will discuss the history of anti-Asian hate and an overview of terminology that defines what hate crimes and hate incidents. Register Workshop series presented by the National Federation of Filipino American Associations and CASL’s Anti-Hate Action Center.

Know Your Rights: U.S. Immigration Removal Proceedings and Defense | 了解你的权利:美国移民遣返程序和辩护

Online, Microsoft Teams

Language: Cantonese and Mandarin 语言: 粤语和普通话 Concerned about U.S. immigration during these uncertain times? Get the information you need from qualified attorneys as they discuss removal proceedings, legal defenses, and your rights. Live Q&A session included.Don’t miss this opportunity to stay informed and empowered. Register now! 在这个充满不确定性的时期,您是否对美国移民问题感到担忧?我们的资深律师将深入解析遣返程序、法律辩护及您的权利,为您提供关键信息,并现场解答您的疑问。不要错过这个宝贵的机会,帮助您掌握最新资讯,维护自身权益!立 即报名参加!

Be an Ally; End Asian Hate

The second workshop in this series will empower and train community members on building their own local anti-hate coalitions. Register</a Workshop series presented by the National Federation of Filipino American Associations and CASL’s Anti-Hate Action Center