
(312) 791-0418

了解现有的各类补贴计划 | Subsidy Programs Workshop

Online, Zoom

This workshop will hosted in Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin) only 讲座语言是普通话和粤语 立即注册我们的讲座,探索政府的各项补贴项目,无论您是租客、房主还是正准备购房者,都会有一则信息资源将是您需要了解的。注册后您将收到一封电子邮件,其中包含加入会议的正式链接。课后我们将抽取一位幸运听众获得Target礼卡一张! Join us to explore various government subsidy programs! Whether you are a renter, ready to buy a home, or already a homeowner, we have a wide range of resources and information for you. One lucky registrant will win a Target gift card. Register...

Fiesta Del Sol

Cermak Rd & Loomis Pilsen

Come visit CASL's booth at Fiesta del Sol all while enjoying delicious food, vibrant music, and more!

Chinatown Summer Fair

Wentworth Ave in Chinatown

Come visit CASL's booth at Chinatown Summer Fair! We will have games and giveaways. You can also learn more about CASL's mission and vital programs.

Legal Outreach Workshop: Advanced Planning | 法律知识讲座: 预先规划

Chinese American Service League 2141 S Tan Ct, Chicago, IL

This free, in-person informational workshop will cover the basics of Powers of Attorney for Healthcare and Property in Illinois and the importance of being ready. Managing Attorney Yanjia “Jenny” Huang from CASL’s Legal Services will discuss associated legal documents and processes, including: • Power of Attorney for Healthcare • Power of Attorney for Property 此次免费讲座是现场活动,华咨处法律服务项目的管理律师Jenny...

Memory Café 记忆茶座

Chinese American Service League 2141 S Tan Ct, Chicago, IL

Memory Café is a monthly gathering for individuals affected by memory-related challenges, their loved ones, care partners, or anyone who want to work on their brain power, to socialize and enjoy a good time together. 华咨处每个月会举办一次记忆茶座,这个聚会是为受到记忆相关挑战的人、他们的亲人、照护者,或任何希望锻炼脑力的人而设,在这里,大家可以一起社交,享受美好时光。 • fun conversations 轻松有趣的对话 • retain and possibly improve memory skills 保持并可能改善记忆技能 • stimulate happy memories through themed activities...