
(312) 791-0418

Financial Education Workshop | 免费金融及财务基础知识讲座

Chinese American Service League 2141 S Tan Ct, Chicago, IL

A Free Educational workshop to help get your finances in order! All pre-registered attendees will be entered into a drawing to win a $100 gift card! 免费的金融及财务讲座报名进行中!所有提前报名的参与者将有机会赢取$100礼卡!请填写以下信息报名吧! Register注册:bit.ly/CASL-Financial-102224

Memory Café | 记忆茶座

Chinese American Service League 2141 S Tan Ct, Chicago, IL

Registration required. To register, contact us at: [email protected] or call (312)791-0418 本活动需要注册,请通过以下方式联系我们来注册:[email protected] 或(312)791-0418 Memory Café is a monthly gathering for individuals affected by memory-related challenges, their loved ones, care partners, or anyone who want to work on their brain power, to socialize and enjoy a good time together. •Fun and easy conversations •Retain and possibly...

Stress-Busting Program | 舒压小组

Chinese American Service League 2141 S Tan Ct, Chicago, IL

For family caregivers of people living with dementia 针对照顾失智症患者的家庭照护者 Are you feeling overwhelmed as a caregiver? This group offers a safe space to connect, learn, and recharge: • Build your support network with other caregivers • Receive FREE relaxation kit • De-stress with proven stress management strategies 作为家庭照护者,你是否时而感到不知所措?加入我们的无费用公益性 小组,为你提供一个放松安全的空间,帮助你学习如何应对挑战、舒缓压力、与他人联结、重拾自我并找回自己的生活节奏: • 认识相同境遇的家庭照护者,建立你的支持网络 • 领取免费的舒压套件 • 应用有效的压力管理策略缓解压力...


Bridgeport Art Center 1200 W 35th St, Chicago, IL, United States

Presented and Chaired by Sue Ling Gin Foundation Trust and Flying Food Group Golden Panda Awardee: US Bank Join over 300 influential Chicagoans as we celebrate a year of remarkable achievements and rapid community growth symbolized at our Gala by bamboo. This prestigious event offers a unique opportunity to champion CASL’s mission and transform the...

法律知识讲座 – 预先/遗产规划 | Legal Outreach Workshop-Advanced/Estate Planning

Chinese American Service League 2141 S Tan Ct, Chicago, IL

语言Languages:普通话 & 粤语 Mandarin & Cantonese 此次免费讲座是现场活动,华咨处法律服务项目的黄律师将讲解预先/遗产规划的重要性,并解说相关法律文件,包括: ● 医疗护理授权书 ● 财务管理授权书 ● 生前预嘱 ● 最终遗嘱 ● 死后房产转让契约 须提前注册:请致电312-791-0418 转2224松年中心预定活动席位! This free, in-person informational workshop will cover the basics of advanced/estate planning in Illinois and the importance of being ready. Managing Attorney Yanjia “Jenny” Huang from the CASL legal service program will discuss associated legal documents,...

CASL x State Farm – Customer Service Industry Info Seminar | 华咨处就业服务 x State Farm – 客户服务行业职业分享会

Chinese American Service League 2141 S Tan Ct, Chicago, IL

Join us for an industry-specific information sharing seminar.  诚邀您参加 - 针对特定行业的信息共享研讨会 Languages: English, Mandarin, and Cantonese 语言:英语,普通话, 和粤语 Topics for discussion include, but are not limited to 讨论主题包括: - Key to success in customer service / customer-centric industry 客户服务行业成功的关键 - Basic knowledge about insurance policy / products 保险政策及产品的基本知识 - Industry development / career path  客户服务行业发展及职业路径 -...

Property Tax Appeals | 您是否在为地税上涨感到困扰?

Chinese American Service League 2141 S Tan Ct, Chicago, IL

Join us for a Property Tax Appeal Workshop for taxpayers in Cook County! Commissioner Larry Rogers Jr. and Commissioner George Cardenas will explain the appeal process and answer your questions. At this event, you will be able to file a property tax appeal with the Cook County Board of Review. 欢迎参加华咨处和库克县审核委员会共同合作的地税上诉讲座! 房屋中心及小拉里·罗杰斯 (Larry Rogers Jr.)...

Property Tax Appeals | 您是否在为地税上涨感到困扰?

Chinese American Service League 2141 S Tan Ct, Chicago, IL

Join us for a Property Tax Appeal Workshop for taxpayers in Cook County! Commissioner Larry Rogers Jr. and Commissioner George Cardenas will explain the appeal process and answer your questions. At this event, you will be able to file a property tax appeal with the Cook County Board of Review. 欢迎参加华咨处和库克县审核委员会共同合作的地税上诉讲座! 房屋中心及小拉里·罗杰斯 (Larry Rogers Jr.)...

Property Tax Appeals | 您是否在为地税上涨感到困扰?

Chinese American Service League 2141 S Tan Ct, Chicago, IL

Join us for a Property Tax Appeal Workshop for taxpayers in Cook County! Commissioner Larry Rogers Jr. and Commissioner George Cardenas will explain the appeal process and answer your questions. At this event, you will be able to file a property tax appeal with the Cook County Board of Review. 欢迎参加华咨处和库克县审核委员会共同合作的地税上诉讲座! 房屋中心及小拉里·罗杰斯 (Larry Rogers Jr.)...

Property Tax Appeals | 您是否在为地税上涨感到困扰?

Chinese American Service League 2141 S Tan Ct, Chicago, IL

Join us for a Property Tax Appeal Workshop for taxpayers in Cook County! Commissioner Larry Rogers Jr. and Commissioner George Cardenas will explain the appeal process and answer your questions. At this event, you will be able to file a property tax appeal with the Cook County Board of Review. 欢迎参加华咨处和库克县审核委员会共同合作的地税上诉讲座! 房屋中心及小拉里·罗杰斯 (Larry Rogers Jr.)...