
(312) 791-0418

Make a lasting impact with a Payroll Deduction Gift!

Many companies now offer payroll deduction for employees who wish to donate directly from their paychecks. This simple and effective method allows you to make regular contributions to support causes close to your heart, creating a powerful and sustained impact on our organization’s operations.

By making a sustained commitment, you become an advocate for positive change and an integral part of our mission, providing a stable financial foundation that empowers us to make a difference every day.

Taking advantage of Payroll Deduction is easy! Here’s how:

Inquire with your employer: Reach out to your company’s human resources or payroll department to see if they offer a payroll deduction program for CASL. Many organizations now champion this initiative as a way to support their employees’ giving spirit.

Opt for regular giving: Once you have confirmed your company’s direct donation policy, choose an amount that fits comfortably into your budget for regular giving. Even a modest contribution can add up to significant impact when combined with the generosity of others.

Empower positive change: With each paycheck, your designated donation will be deducted automatically, making a difference in the lives of those we serve.

Contact us to discuss Payroll Deduction Gifts!

[email protected]
(312) 791-0418

Donations by check can be made out to CASL and mailed to the following address:
Chinese American Service League
Advancement Department
2141 South Tan Court
Chicago, IL 60616