
(312) 791-0418

Legal Outreach Workshop: Advanced Planning | 法律知识讲座: 预先规划

Chinese American Service League 2141 S Tan Ct, Chicago, IL

This free, in-person informational workshop will cover the basics of Powers of Attorney for Healthcare and Property in Illinois and the importance of being ready. Managing Attorney Yanjia “Jenny” Huang from CASL’s Legal Services will discuss associated legal documents and processes, including: • Power of Attorney for Healthcare • Power of Attorney for Property 此次免费讲座是现场活动,华咨处法律服务项目的管理律师Jenny...

Memory Café 记忆茶座

Chinese American Service League 2141 S Tan Ct, Chicago, IL

Memory Café is a monthly gathering for individuals affected by memory-related challenges, their loved ones, care partners, or anyone who want to work on their brain power, to socialize and enjoy a good time together. 华咨处每个月会举办一次记忆茶座,这个聚会是为受到记忆相关挑战的人、他们的亲人、照护者,或任何希望锻炼脑力的人而设,在这里,大家可以一起社交,享受美好时光。 • fun conversations 轻松有趣的对话 • retain and possibly improve memory skills 保持并可能改善记忆技能 • stimulate happy memories through themed activities...

Stress-Busting Program | 舒压小组

Chinese American Service League 2141 S Tan Ct, Chicago, IL

This group will: • Support group members who share the same circumstances • Gain problem-solving skills for common caregiver stressors • Teach effective stress management techniques & relaxation strategies 本小组将会: •支持有相同境遇的成员 •学习应对常见照护压力问题的技能 •教授有效的压力管理技巧和放松策略 Benefits include: • Insights into stress and its impacts • Enhanced quality of life • Reduced stress, anxiety, and depression • Support...

Public Health Insurance | 公共医疗保险计划

Chinese American Service League 2141 S Tan Ct, Chicago, IL

This event will be hosted in Mandarin only 这讲座语言是普通话 通过此讲座,参与者能了解到: -退休以后的医疗保险怎么办? -什么是红蓝卡? -什么样的人有资格申请红蓝卡? -基本的红蓝卡包括什么?保那些项目? -有基本的红蓝卡 Part A和Part B够用吗? -需要吃药怎么办? -有没有包括住院,看病,吃药,牙医,眼科,视力的综合保险? -什么时候可以申请红蓝卡? -延后申请有什么后果? -如何购买红蓝卡不同的计划, 选择Part C ,还是 Medigap? -有白卡还需要注册红蓝卡吗?

Kam L. Liu Building 20th Anniversary Celebration

Chinese American Service League 2141 S Tan Ct, Chicago, IL

Honoring Our Past, Illuminating Our Legacy 承前启后 Join us as we honor our past with special guests who were vital to the creation of the current CASL Building which has been integral to our growth. We’ll come together to pay respect to our home in Chinatown with a group clean-up. We’ll regroup to celebrate our...

Memory Café | 记忆茶座

Chinese American Service League 2141 S Tan Ct, Chicago, IL

Memory Café is a monthly gathering for individuals affected by memory-related challenges, their loved ones, care partners, or anyone who want to work on their brain power, to socialize and enjoy a good time together. •Fun and easy conversations •Retain and possibly improve memory skills •Stimulate happy memories with themed activities •Supportive community to break...

Entering the Job Market | 职前准备工作坊

Chinese American Service League 2141 S Tan Ct, Chicago, IL

This event is provided in English with Chinese translation available. Join us for a comprehensive 3-day workshop where you’ll learn essential skills and strategies to kickstart your career! Workshop Highlights •Job Search Strategies: Find out the best ways to search for job opportunities •Resume Building: Craft a resume that stands out •Interview Skills: Master the...

Stress-Busting Program | 舒压小组

Chinese American Service League 2141 S Tan Ct, Chicago, IL

For family caregivers of people living with dementia 针对照顾失智症患者的家庭照护者 Are you feeling overwhelmed as a caregiver? This group offers a safe space to connect, learn, and recharge: • Build your support network with other caregivers • Receive FREE relaxation kit • De-stress with proven stress management strategies 作为家庭照护者,你是否时而感到不知所措?加入我们的无费用公益性 小组,为你提供一个放松安全的空间,帮助你学习如何应对挑战、舒缓压力、与他人联结、重拾自我并找回自己的生活节奏: • 认识相同境遇的家庭照护者,建立你的支持网络 • 领取免费的舒压套件 • 应用有效的压力管理策略缓解压力...