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Author: CASL

It’s been 95 years since Martin Luther King’s birth. His life advocating for a non-violent end to racism, poverty, and violence has a lasting impact today. Several organizations base their mission on the teachings and philosophy of Dr. King. CASL works to preserve King’s message of non-violence, inclusivity, and opportunity for everyone through our work. According...

What a year 2023 has been for our community! CASL has seen so much change and excitement in the past few months that made May, AANHPI Heritage Month, a month filled with plenty to celebrate. Here is a recap of key moments for CASL during AANHPI Heritage Month...

In January 2023, Change InSight released its inaugural report, Changing Tides. CASL was proud to partner with various other organizations—Apna Ghar, the Alliance of Filipinos for Immigrant Rights and Empowerment Chicago, the Indo-American Center, the Hanul Family Alliance, and SAAPRI—to survey 2,000+ members of Chicago’s AANHPI community about their Social Drivers of Health. The result...

As one of the largest social services agencies in the Midwest serving Asian Americans and other diverse populations, CASL understands its role in bettering the physical and mental health of community members so they can thrive and succeed in society. Over a year ago, CASL implemented a Behavioral Health & Clinical Services department to better...

As we hop into the Year of the Rabbit, we wanted to share highlights from CASL programs that empower individuals and families in our global community. Have questions about a CASL program or service? Contact us today. 1. Our Adult Day Service program is back in full swing As of last summer, we have returned fully to in-person...

​For many of us, the terror of the 2021 Atlanta spa shootings targeting Asian-Americans remains fresh in our minds. Seeing media coverage of such intense hatred may have seemed like news to some, but hate crimes impacting minority groups in America have only increased in recent years. The STAATUS (Social Tracking of Asian Americans in the...